222 research outputs found

    Le couronnement d’Ivan IV

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    RésuméL’article traite le couronnement comme une sorte d’exposé, dans lequel l’élite politique exprime, au moyen du symbole et de l’émotion, un ensemble d’idées complexes touchant aux rapports de la monarchie et du clergé, aux obligations du souverain et aux limites de son pouvoir. L’auteur analyse la signification juridique et politique des insignes, des gestes rituels, des prières, de l’homélie du métropolite. De l’avis d’Olga Novikova, le couronnement jouait le rôle d’une constitution, recréant une image idéalisée de la société, image qui pouvait influencer en retour les pratiques politiques réelles. Au cours de la cérémonie, on énonçait clairement les obligations du tsar, on décrivait ce que pourrait être un monarque idéal, on précisait dans quelles conditions l’empereur cessait d’être un souverain authentique. Le tsar, conclut l’auteur, contractait au cours du rituel toute une série d’obligations en présence de nombreux témoins, mais il n’avait à rendre compte de sa manière de s’en acquitter qu’à un seul d’entre eux : à Dieu qui, croyaient les organisateurs, assistait invisible à la cérémonie.AbstractThe coronation of Ivan IV: Conception of the empire in the eastern part of Europe.In this article, the coronation ceremony is seen as a sort of presentation through symbols and emotions of the political elite’s conception of the relationship between the monarchy and the clergy, the monarch’s obligations, and the limits of his power. The author analyzes the juridical and political meaning of insignia, ritual gestures, prayers, and the metropolitan’s homily. She argues that the coronation played the same role as the constitution by creating an idealized image of society that could exert an influence on actual political practices. During the ceremony, the tsar’s obligations were clearly set forth, a description of the ideal monarch was formulated, and the conditions in which he ceased to be an authentic sovereign were clearly defined. The author concludes that during the ceremony, the tsar contracted a series of obligations in the presence of numerous eyewitnesses but had to account for the way in which he fulfilled them only to God, who, so the organizers thought, was also attending, invisible, the ceremony

    Nominations of Molecular Cuisine Dishes: Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Analysis

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    Non-traditional foods of molecular cuisine are a new category of foods and experience for consumers. The objective of this study was to conduct the structural and semantic analysis of the names of dishes of this new scientific field and avant-garde culinary practice. The main idea was to reveal the trend and trace the dynamics of naming dishes and to define the degree of reflecting the essence of molecular cuisine in the names of dishes. The study of empirical material taken from current collections of recipes and restaurant menus using a set of linguistic analysis methods has allowed authors to identify models of the syntactic organisation of nominations; characterise the primary way of connecting their components as oxymoron; highlight a number of keywords that arrange these nominations on the basis of cooking technology into several subject groups; postulate the predominance of phrase-names with transparent semantics over names with an opaque inner form including eponymous nominations; outline the ways of further studying the names of dishes of this cuisine from comparative, translational and linguistic-cognitive points of view

    Evolutionary History of LTR Retrotransposon Chromodomains in Plants

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    Chromodomain-containing LTR retrotransposons are one of the most successful groups of mobile elements in plant genomes. Previously, we demonstrated that two types of chromodomains (CHDs) are carried by plant LTR retrotransposons. Chromodomains from group I (CHD_I) were detected only in Tcn1-like LTR retrotransposons from nonseed plants such as mosses (including the model moss species Physcomitrella) and lycophytes (the Selaginella species). LTR retrotransposon chromodomains from group II (CHD_II) have been described from a wide range of higher plants. In the present study, we performed computer-based mining of plant LTR retrotransposon CHDs from diverse plants with an emphasis on spike-moss Selaginella. Our extended comparative and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that two types of CHDs are present only in the Selaginella genome, which puts this species in a unique position among plants. It appears that a transition from CHD_I to CHD_II and further diversification occurred in the evolutionary history of plant LTR retrotransposons at approximately 400 MYA and most probably was associated with the evolution of chromatin organization

    The Potential of Digitalisation and Social Dialogue in Ensuring Post-Pandemic Labour Market Sustainability: Priorities for Ukraine

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    The article substantiates promising areas of resource mobilisation to counter the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic оn the labour market, namely, through the involvement of the potential of digital, information and communication technologies and the introduction of innovative mechanisms into the system of social dialogue in the labour field at the national level. The conceptual basis of the research is the four-pillar policy framework for tackling the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, developed by the International Labour Organization as a basic tool to address the risks and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic for global and national labour markets. This framework was used as a cross-cutting analytical scheme to analyse Ukrainian realities and further to structure the potential of digitalisation and social dialogue for overcoming the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Ukrainian labour market and for further post-pandemic recovery.Based on the modern platform approach, the authors propose a social innovation – a 3-element model of socially responsible partnership (SRP Platform), which allows significantly updating (or even rebooting) the system of communication and interaction between the social dialogue participants in Ukraine using the potential of modern network, information and communication technologies. Implementating such a model will contribute to the renewal of the social dialogue system in Ukraine and, thus, further effective counteraction against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the Ukrainian labour market, and to the formation of an effective anti-pandemic state policy. Both the conceptual basis and general mechanism for implementing the SRP platform are (to a large extent) universal and can be adapted to renew social dialogue systems not only in Ukraine but also in other post-Soviet countries with a tripartite system

    Особливості формування та реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів забезпечення безпеки та розвитку України та Республіки Польща

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    Określone zostają specyficzne cechy kształtowania i modyfikacji modeli bezpieczeństwa narodowego Ukrainy i RP, ujawnia się treść ram prawnych określających strategie bezpieczeństwa i rozwoju tych państw. Uzasadniono celowość wypracowania nowej istoty i struktury dokumentów strategicznych, które zapewniają rozwój społeczny oraz gwarancje bezpieczeństwa człowieka, społeczeństwa i państwa. Określono aspiracje i priorytety polityki państw w zakresie ich integracji z Europejskim Środowiskiem Bezpieczeństwa i NATO

    Translatological Ecosystem of the Region: Determinants, Constituents, Features

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    The article focuses on the phenomenon of “translatological ecosystem of the region”, which is studied with application of an integrative approach to Translation Studies. Polydiscursive hypertext translation discourse is an integral part of the regional urban discourse and the regional ecosystem on the whole; their interdependence, co-development and interpenetration determine the formation of a special regional ecosystem of translation with distinctive constitutive features. An attempt is made to analyse the factors of formation and development of the regional translatological ecosystem on the example of the Hero City of Volgograd. The hermeneutic and interpretive perspective of the study has enabled identifying and describing various means of regionally conditioned communication actualization with the involvement of translation services, determining the constituent features of the translatological ecosystem and their dominance factors in the urban discourse of the region under study and characterizing this translation ecosystem specificity. The model of the translation ecosystem is presented considering its polydiscursive nature. The system- and city-forming concepts that have an initial impact on the translational action in the region are identified. The translation discourses, which comprise the translatological ecosystem are analysed in detail, industrial, excursion, specialised, educational, social and political ones included. The research contributes to the formation of discursive regional Applied Translation Studies and enhances a novel direction in the science of translation – Eco-Translatology